
This report provides more in-depth data for each location's specific profile data (like Yelp, Facebook, Google, etc.)

The purpose of this report is to help businesses track performance for each profile, gives suggestions on where they can improve, and confirm the accuracy of their data.

We report the following data about each data source:

  • Business Name
  • Address
  • Phone
  • Claimed (Yes/No)
  • Total Reviews (all time)
  • Rating (All Time)
  • Business Categories Listed
  • Did this location use all available category listings?
  • Business Hours
  • Price Range

In addition, we report the following data over a specified period of time if requested:

  • Total Reviews
  • Rating
  • Total Business Responses



The start and end dates for this report are used only for the processing of review data related to each profile. The fields related to the state of the the profile itself is present day data and cannot be used to see what addresses, phone numbers, or names were used on the profile previously.

Request a Report

  "next": none,
  "previous": none,
  "start_date": "12/20/2017",
  "end_date": "03/20/2018",
  "results": [
      "address": "16885 N Marketplace Blvd",
      "data_source_id": 1,
      "name": "Hobby Lobby",
      "url": "https://www.google.com/search?q=hobby+lobby+caldwell+idaho&oq=hobby+lobby+caldwell+idaho",
      "review_count": 189,
      "can_respond": true,
      "phone": "2084429729",
      "rating": 4.6,
      "responses": 0,
      "response_rate": 0,
      "additional_data": {},
      "business_hours": {
        "monday": ["0900-2000"],
        "tuesday": ["0900-2000"],
        "wednesday": ["0900-2000"],
        "thursday": ["0900-2000"],
        "friday": ["0900-2000"],
        "saturday": ["0900-2000"],
        "sunday": []
      "address": "16885 N Marketplace Blvd",
      "data_source_id": 2,
      "name": "Hobby Lobby",
      "url": "https://www.yelp.com/biz/hobby-lobby-nampa",
      "review_count": 1,
      "can_respond": true,
      "phone": "2084429729",
      "rating": 1,
      "responses": 0,
      "response_rate": 0,
      "additional_data": {
        "Accepts Credit Cards": "Yes",
        "Accepts Apple Pay": "No",
        "Bike Parking": "Yes"
      "business_hours": {
        "monday": ["0900-2000"],
        "tuesday": ["0900-2000"],
        "wednesday": ["0900-2000"],
        "thursday": ["0900-2000"],
        "friday": ["0900-2000"],
        "saturday": ["0900-2000"],
        "sunday": []
      "categories": {
        "used_available": true,
        "available": 3,
        "values": [
          "Fabric Stores",
          "Art Supplies",
      "price_range": "Moderate"
Field NameValueDescription
namestringThe name of the business as it appears on the data source
addressstringThe street address as it appears on the data source.
phonestringThe phone number as it appears on the data source normalized to remove all non-digit characters.
urlstringThe url for which the business data can be seen on the data source
review_countintThe uri for which the reviews used to calculate these values can be requested.
can_respondbooleanTrue if the data source supports responding, False if it does not.
ratingfloatThe overall average rating for reviews in the given date_range
responsesintThe number of responses given on reviews during the requested date_range
response_ratefloatThe ratio of responses to reviews given as a percentage
additional_dataarrayAdditional data we gather from the data source that varies from data source to data source.
end_datestringLast date of the audit period. Returned in the format MM/DD/YYYY.
start_datestringFirst date of the audit period. Returned in the format MM/DD/YYYY.
business_hoursJSONThe business hours collected from the data source as a list of nine character strings for each day; e.g. "0200-2000", which would be 2 a.m. to 8 p.m.

The list will be empty if not collected from the data source or missing on the data source.
data_source_idintOur local id for the data source; e.g. for google: 1
price_rangestringThe price_range as it is described on the data source.

Not included if not collected.
categoriesJSONA JSON where "used_available" is a boolean for whether or not all available catagory slots are being used for the data source, "available" is an int for how many category slots are available on the data source, and "values" is a list of strings as the appear on the data source in the categories section.

Data sources that do not have a preset limit on the number of categories a business can have will not have "used_available" or "available" included in the JSON. "values" will always be included, but will be an empty list if not collected.

Custom Date Ranges

This endpoint defaults to returning a report looking over the previous 90 days of data. If you want to customize that date range, you can. Example requests for reports covering 30 days and a custom date range are shown below.
