API Reference

API Endpoint

All API URLs listed in this documentation are relative to https://ad1.replypro.io/api/public/.

For example, the /accounts API call is reachable at https://ad1.replypro.io/api/public/accounts.


Get/accountslist all accounts for the authenticated user
Get/accounts/<account_id>request a single account


Get/businessesrequest all businesses for the authenticated user
Get/businesses/<business_id>request a single business object
Put/businesses/<business_id>update fields on the business object.


Get/companiesrequest all companies for the authenticated user
Get/companies/<company_id>request a single company object
Post/companies/<company_id>create a new company object.
Put/companies/<company_id>update fields on the company object.


Get/credentialsrequest all connection statuses for a given business


Get/groupslist all groups for the authenticated user
Get/groups/<group_id>get a single group object
Post/groups/<group_id>create a new group object
Put/groups/<group_id>update fields on a group object


Get/profilesrequest all profiles for a given business
Get/profiles/<profile_id>request a specific profile
Put/profiles/<profile_id>update the URL on a given profile


Get/reviewslist all reviews for a specified business
Get/reviews/<review_id>Get a single review object
Put/reviews/<review_id>Update a review object
Post/reviews/<review_id>/flagsSubmit a new flag for a single review.
Post/reviews/<review_id>/responsesSubmit a new response for a single review
Post/reviews/<review_id>/sharesSubmit a new request to share a single review.

Suggested Actions

Get/suggested_actionsList of all suggested actions for a specified business
Get/suggested_actions/<suggested_action_id>Get a single suggested action object
Put/suggested_actions/<suggested_action_id>Update a single suggested action, e.g. Approve, Edit, or Deny the suggestion.

Connecting Social Profiles

Connecting a profile means that a business has granted Reply Pro permission to access their profile's account and allows us to post on their behalf. Every data source (i.e. Yelp, Google, Facebook, etc.) will have its own unique login and access. Therefore, each business will need to connect all of its profiles.

While Reply Pro can store responses and share requests on our database, we cannot publicly respond, share, etc. without being connected to the appropriate profiles.

Because every data source is unique in how they connect, your Reply Pro account manager will assist you in connecting profiles in the most efficient way possible.


Do Not Need To Connect To Get Stared

Connecting is not a pre-requisite for interacting with our API. It just means no public changes will be made until we are properly connected.

Whitelisting Reply Pro Servers

If your server is behind a firewall, you may need to whitelist Reply Pro server IPs to ensure we can send updates to your callback URLs. / 24 / 24