

This resource allows you to verify if a given business is connected for posting to third party sources via Reply Pro


Credentials Only Needed For Online Posting

Default Fields

data_sourceintThe id of the data_source
connectedboolTrue/False of whether or not we have credentials set for the given data_source

List All Credentials<account_id>/companies/<company_id>/businesses/<business_id>/credentials

Example of returned data:

  "results": [
      "connected": true,
      "data_source": 1
      "connected": false,
      "data_source": 2

Connecting Credentials

You can connect credentials with a POST request to the same endpoint. The data included should be a JSON with the keys: data_source_id, username, password.

  "data_source_id": 2,
  "username": "BestNameEver",
  "password": "TheOneITypoAllTheTime"
  "results": [
      "connected": true,
      "data_source": 2

Removing Credentials

You can remove credentials from our system entirely by sending a DELETE request to this endpoint with the data_source_id

  "data_source_id": 2
  "results": [
      "connected": false,
      "data_source": 2

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