Flagging Reviews
Review sites allow businesses and users to flag reviews that they deem inappropriate and/or violating the site's terms of service.
While flagging increases the odds of a review being removed, it is not guaranteed. Ultimately, each review site determines which reviews are posted or removed.
Flagging reviews is super simple with our API: make a request to the appropriate resource's flags endpoint with a payload containing the reason for the flagging.
A sample POST request for flagging a review is shown below:
"reason": "This review contains inappropriate language."
Reason is a required field, but the value is dictated by you.
Upon a successful request, the updated review object will be returned.
"content": "",
"data_source": "1",
"date": "2017-11-02",
"id": "895647",
"permalink": "https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/103815917515548406044/place/ChIJPzzxsrWqr1QRJx0Tm0bnFV0",
"flagged": true,
"rating": "5",
"responses": [
"content": "Thanks Breean!",
"date": "2017-11-02",
"id": "903218"
"reviewer_name": "Breean Mckinney"
Updated about 7 years ago
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